
Il dottore Marco Bellapianta esercita la professione medica in provincia di BA. È iscritto all'albo Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi di BARI dal 1986, si laurea in Medicina e chirurgia a Bari "Aldo Moro" nel 1986. Infine si specializza in Chirurgia Generale a Bari "Aldo Moro" il 24/06/1993WORK EXPERIENCE

• Dates (from - to) :1986-1989
• Name and address of employer:Interned at the Institute of Semiology
Surgical, Surgical Pathology and Second University of Bari
• Type of business or sector Company:Health
• Type of study as the first tooth then as a medical officer specializing in Surgery General, participating in charitable activities and department and operating room activities.

• Dates (from - to) :1989-1994
• Name and address of employer: League Cancer Institute of Bari for the year 89-94
• Type of business or sector :League Italian fight against cancer
• Occupation: Fellow then collaborate as a consultant

• Dates (from - to) :1989
• Name and address of employer: USL10 And Florence
• Type of business or sector: to the study and Prevention of Cancer
• Occupation : Researcher
• Main activities and responsibilities: Head of Research section of Bari - Puglia

• Dates (from - to) :1989-1998
• Name and address of employer : Homes Nursing Riunite Bari
• Type of business or sector: Clinics accredited private
• Occupation; Medical Director at indefinitely
• Main activities and responsibilities:Help surgeon with a high degree of autonomy, replacing the Director of Unit Operational in the event in case of his absence

• Dates (from - to) :1998-1999
• Name and address of employer: Division of Surgery Hospital of Manduria
• Type of business or sector : AUSL TA1 -Local Health
• Occupation: Medical Director at indefinitely
• Main activities and responsibilities: Help surgeon with a high degree of autonomy

• Dates (from - to) 1999 - to March 2019
• Name and address of employer: Division of Surgery Hospital of Molfetta
• Type of business or sector: AUSL BA Local Health
• Occupation: Medical Director at
• Main activities and responsibilities: Help surgeon with a high degree of autonomy.Manager since 2000, surgery laparoscopic and minimally invasive Division Surgery Hospital of Molfetta, with letter of appointment of the Chief of the Division of Surgery P.O. Molfetta;

• From April 2019 to date
• Manager (Chief) of Geneneral Surgical Division - Molfetta Hospital

• Dates (from - to): 2000
• Name and address of employer: ASLBA 2
• Type of business or sector Company: Health
• Occupation:Teacher during live- Surgery
• Main activities and responsibilities: Organization and teaching

Dates(from-to): March –April 2000
Type or bussiness C.E.S.T.A.S. Non Governmental Organization
Occupation: Director Mission ARCOBALENO in PEC-PEJE (KOSOVO)
Main Activities and responsabilities : Teaching in Sanitary education andappropriate health technology

• Dates (from - to) : 2004
• Type of business or sector : Ausl Matera
• Occupation Suitable for competition: director of the complex structure of Surgery

• Dates (from - to): 06/2008 -09/2008
• Type of business or sector: EMERGENCY - Non-Governmental Organization
• Occupation : SURGEON, time determined
• Main activities and responsibilities :Director of business unit.
Hospital Director of Surgery Lashkargah in Afghanistan with the NGO Emergency assignment contract MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

• Dates (from - to): 1989 -1996
• Name and address of employer: Third Air Region Bari Infirmary garrison
• Type of business or sector: health
• Occupation Consultant: consultant surgeon
• Main activities and responsibilities: Consultant Surgeon

- C.R.I. assignment contract for emergency COVID 19 at John XXIII, BERGAMO HOSPITAL

• Listed as a technical consultant of the Court


• Dates (from - to) : 1986
• Name and type of organization providing education and training:University of Bari
• qualification awarded: Degree in Medicine - Surgery

• Dates (from - to): 1993
• Name and type of organization providing education and training: University of Bari
• Title of qualification: awarded specialization in General Surgery


Training Courses • Name and type of course :

• Assigneed a scholarship funded by C.N.R. contract
No 87.01580.44 on "Utility of follow-up to
breast cancer;

• CME credit from the University of Baltimore
Advanced laparoscopic surgery in general in 1992
for six months, participating both as operator
as an aid to surgery;

• CME credit at the Christ Hospital
Cincinnati, Ohio - and in laparoscopic rectal
surgery in 1992 for six months participating as 1st
Operator surgery;

• Fellowship in Surgery at the "NORTH
SHURE University Hospital - New York University in
Manhasset - NEW YORK - N.Y.dal 1990 to 1992

• Course of Surgery of the digestive system
for a period of six months, at the Hospital Doce de
Octubre, Universidad Complutense - Servicio de
Y cirurgia General Digestive under the
direction of Prof. Moreno Gonzales in 1993
actively participating in the activities department and operating room;

• Catholic University of Rome, Policlinico
Gemelli, Coordinator: Prof. G. Crucitti course
practical, for a period of six months in surgery
biliary-pancreatic in 1994, participating actively
as an intern in General Surgery
Polyclinic "A. Gemini - Catholic University
the Sacred Heart ", for department activities and
operating room;

- ATLS certificated “ Catholic University of Rome, Policlinico Gemelli “TECHNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES:
• He has performed since 1989
So far about 14.000 surgical procedures, including
3.000 performed with surgical technique
Laparoscopic (gallstones, leimioma
esophageal, and benign tumors of the colon,
inguinal hernia, hernia, hiatal hernia, banding
gastric) Large and medium disease intervention
surgical regularly reported in its "log-
book, updated in December 2018, with particular
specificity: tumors and intestinal diseases
breast cancer, liver and bile ducts,
benign breast disease, breast augmentation and
is reductive aesthetic purposes, that consequential
surgery for mastectomy, disease
ovarian and uterine cancer, large interventions
road trauma such as hemoperitoneum trauma
liver and spleen, as well as vascular injury,
well as interventions for thyroid disease, hernias
inguinal interventions on arteries (bypass
with femoral popliteal saphenous vein in situ) and venous
with endovascular technique, and ventral
minor surgical pathology;

• Since 1991, performs routine operations
Laparoscopic surgery is a routine that
He organized as a President 9 convention on “ update in vascular patology;
Regional President of S.I.F.C.S.

He completed the MORE INFORMATION
military service as an officer at the
36 Stormo Italian Air Force,
then invoked with the rank of Lieutenant, and has
completion of service call to arms for
further four years.
Esperto in:
  • Chirurgia Generale
  • Flebologia
  • Chirurgia Vascolare
  • Medicina e Chirurgia di Urgenza

Indirizzi (5)

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Universal Lab
Via Podgora 11, Bisceglie

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Prestazioni e prezzi

Consulenza online

80 €

Visita di chirurgia generale

Asportazione locale di lesione o tessuto del retto

Ecografia testicolare

Ringiovanimento del viso e del collo

+ 18 prestazioni

Come funzionano i prezzi?

Punteggio generale

Tutte le recensioni contano e non possono essere rimosse o modificate dai dottori a proprio piacimento. Scopri come funziona il processo di moderazione delle recensioni.
Numero di telefono verificato
Presso: Altro Altro

Buongiorno, ho conosciuto il dottore all’ospedale di Novara dove presta servizio come medico della protezione civile in questo momento difficile di pandemia da corona virus. Persona competente e puntuale nella diagnosi. Consiglio fortemente

Numero di telefono verificato
Presso: Universal Lab visita di chirurgia generale

Ho conosciuto il dr. Bellapianta per un'operazione alla safena. Oltre che per l'estrema professionalità anche per la cura, disponibilità e umanità dimostrata nei miei confronti. Grazie ancora.

Dr. Marco Bellapianta

Grazie sig.ra Cristina

Numero di telefono verificato
Presso: Clinica Santa Maria dopplergrafia arteriosa o venosa distrettuale

Ottimo professionista.scrupoloso.Intervento strumentale con apparecchio innovativo di ultima generazione

Numero di telefono verificato
Presso: Clinica Santa Maria visita di chirurgia generale

Attento e accurato nella visita e molto gentile ..terapia efficace ...disponibile ad essere ricontattato in qualsiasi momento

Numero di telefono verificato
Presso: Altro Altro

Sapere di essere nelle sue mani, trasmette una sicurezza immediata, per la grande competenza e abilità professionale ma soprattutto per la sua disponibilità !

Numero di telefono verificato
Presso: Universal Lab visita di chirurgia generale

Il Dottor Bellapianta, persona molto preparata, disponibile, dotata d grande sensibilità ed umanità, ha sempre mostrato empatia verso noi pazienti

Grazie per avermi risposto anche d notte Dottor Bellapianta

Si è verificato un errore, riprova

Risposte ai pazienti

ha risposto a 2 domande da parte di pazienti di MioDottore

Domande su Varici degli arti inferiori


Gruppo GVM Clinica Privata Villalba
eventualmente posso operarla in questa clinica

Dr. Marco Bellapianta

Domande su Varici degli arti inferiori

Salve,ho un dubbio che voglio risolvere! Ho la mutazione genetica del V di leiden in percentuale più bassa,ho effettuato due sedute di scleroterapia,ma posso andare incontro a qualche problema?

nelle più comuni forme di trombofilia, la scleroterapia in combinazione con la tromboprofilassi può essere eseguita

Dr. Marco Bellapianta

Tutti i contenuti pubblicati su, specialmente domande e risposte, sono di carattere informativo e in nessun caso devono essere considerati un sostituto di una visita specialistica.