Is procrastination a psychological problem? How to fix procrastination! Is anxiety caused by procras

20 risposte
Is procrastination a psychological problem? How to fix procrastination! Is anxiety caused by procrastination?
Procrastination isn't a psychological problem, if it doesn't create problems to you. If you manage to do everything you have planned without anxiety, it's all ok. If procrastination means that you can't do anything during the day and it generates anxiety, it becomes a problem, and you can manage to solve it with psychological support.
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Good evening kind user, answering your question directly and simply, procrastination can be about an internal dysregulation that can produce anxiety. However, it would be important to explore the causes in psychological therapy. Cordially, Dr Claudio Pieroni
Dear user, thank you for sharing these questions; procrastination in itself isn't a psychological problem, but it can both cause and be caused by anxiety.
The causes and consequences of procrastination may be more relevant: by examining them within a project of psychological support, it is possible to have a greater awareness of the dynamics that trigger this phenomenon and work to avoid unpleasant consequences.
For further advice or to start a journey of psychological support, I remain available. Wishing you to overcome this hard moment as soon as possible, I send you my cordial greetings.
Dr. Luca Vocino
Prenota subito una visita online: Sostegno psicologico - 70 €
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Dear user, I understand your discomfort but I believe that procastination and anxiety are interconnected. I advice you to understand the causes of this personal problem, through a psychological therapy, because I believe that only in this way you can put an end to this painful question. If you need my help, I am here.
Procrastinating on some activities, especially unpleasant ones, may fall within the scope of normality. We can speak about "Procrastination Disorder" (chronic procrastination) in the presence of a persistent and harmful habit of postponing or procrastinating on important tasks, obligations or responsibilities. People affected by this disorder tend to postpone activities that require effort and commitment, often towards themselves or others, with even serious consequences on an individual's daily life and psychological well-being that can negatively affect personal and professional relationships.
The causes of procrastination can be different and can vary from person to person. Some common factors include fear of failure, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, lack of time management skills, and a tendency to seek instant gratification. Also, the treatment of procrastination varies from individual to individual as the causes of the disorder must be analyzed to resolve them at the source and reduce the risk of relapses. If you want we can setup an online session to understand the situation. My best regards, Drs Antonella Milizia
It might seem strange but it's usually the opposite: It's anxiety that causes procrastination.
Dr. Marco Cenci
Dear user,
procrastination could be a psychological disease if it creates problems to you. In this case, CBT (cognitive-behavioural therapy) is one of the most successful and evidence-based treatments for anxiety disorders.
In general, anxiety and procrastination are interconnected in a vicious circle: anxiety (but not only this one) causes procrastination, and procrastination brings the person to experiment more and more anxiety.
Thank you for your questions, hope to have clarified your doubts.
Dott.ssa Giulia Pelini
Good afternoon and thank you for your question. Everything can be potentially seen as an issue: it depends on the meanings you develop and invest into this determinate action or thoughts. I would suggest working on the meaning that action - procrastination - has for you and in which relation is with your anxiety. Keep us posted. Best regards,
To stop procrastinating, first of all, it is necessary to understand how procrastination works and why we keep putting it off. It is important to realise that avoiding the task leads to instant gratification, but this reinforces an attitude of escaping from problems and responsibilities.

In general, to avoid pervasive and dysfunctional procrastination is necessary to know what is most important and urgent at a given time. The 'Eisenhower matrix', which helps to distinguish urgent and necessary tasks from needs that are less necessary for our purposes, can be useful in this respect.
Procrastination is often a strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety: avoiding stress also avoids the ensuing feelings, but it generates shame and guilt, emotions that make it even more difficult to start an activity.

In doing so, not only is the sense of self-efficacy (perception of being able to successfully handle obstacles and tasks) diminished, but the more time passes, the simpler tasks become complex, the more complex even more difficult.

All this generates tension, anxiety, dissatisfaction.

If you want we can setup an online session to explore the motivations and meaning of this functioning and how to change it. Best regards Dr. Monica D'Ettorrre
Important is, in this time, to know the cause of procrastination crossing the therapy.
Procrastination is a symptom not a problem.
Procrastination is not a psychological problem itself even though in can be caused by various individual factors (e.g. anxiety, clinical perfectionism, etc). The main focuses of interest should be how procrastination affects your everyday life and which meanings underline this tendency. If it becomes a significant problem, I would suggest you to seek a professional consult. Kind regards,
Dr Gaia De Giuli
Dear user, procrastination is not a psychological problem but a symptom. It is necessary to identify the psychological causes that activate procrastination by investigating thoughts and emotions.
Dr. Iolanda Lamanna
So many questions, I wonder: will the answer serve your emotional balance, or increase the feelings you're trying to get rid of?
I can assure you: most of us go through these doubts. I wish you the strength to realize there's only a way of understanding emotions: diving into them, even if secured by a therapist at first.
Dear user, thank you for deciding to ask your question here. In itself, procrastination is not a psychological problem, it appears as such when procrastination is constant and affects an individual's life. In this case it can be attributed to a psychological difficulty. When talking about procrastination, the expression "temporal myopia" is sometimes used, i.e. difficulty thinking adequately about the future. This can be determined by cognitive schemes that have different motivations at their base. So it is the state of activation like anxiety that leads to procrastination. The questions you raise lead me to suggest that you consider the possibility of embarking on a path to delve deeper into the aspects of yourself that lead you to ask yourself questions. Kind regards Dr. Virginia Mancori
Dear User, procrastination and anxiety are often linked in a vicious circle. Procrastination isn't a problem in itself as long as it doesn't bring anxiety with it. It should be seen as a problem when it causes such discomfort that it prevents you from living your daily life normally. In my experience, it is very useful to try to ask yourself how you feel while procrastinating, to give voice to thoughts and emotions that accompany this attitude, in order to understand the meaning that brings with it and consequently the very meaning of anxiety. Best regards Dr. E.B.
Procrastination can be a manifestation of underlying psychological issues such as perfectionism, low self-esteem, or fear of failure. To address procrastination, strategies like setting clear goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and managing time effectively can be helpful. While procrastination can contribute to anxiety, it is not the sole cause of anxiety disorders.Doctor Francesca Gottofredi
Dear guest, procrastination is a sign that the brain is especially good at protecting us! to the point that it protects us from feeling those very unpleasant feelings as well: feelings like anxiety, frustration, anger ecc. So i postpone doing that presentation because i fear i could be "not good enough" or i postpone talking to that friend because i fear i'll get angry or i'll be rejected.
So the good news is we all procrastinate to some extent, the bad news is that it might be keeping you from actually living your life, worsening your sense of guilt and anxiety on the long run.
But how to overcome it? fortunately we all have very plastic brains, and we learn so fast. So the first useful thing to do is to understand WHAT you are avoiding. Is it your job? is it family gatherings or is it a confrontation?
then is important to understand the emotions that you avoid and the meaning you give to that task.
it can be useful to write about it, so you start keeping track of your internal world; still, it is easier said than done so if you struggle to get out of procrastination a psychologist/psychoterapist can help you.
Dear user, thank you for the question. Procrastination is nothing to worry about. it can happens sometimes and is good for us because it's our brain telling us to take a break. So it can be functional but if there's more procrastination than working it can be caused by an anxiety state that it's better to observe and request a psychological support to investigate what our brain is trying to avoid: work? study? sport? sleep? thougths?
Good morning , answering your question directly and simply, procrastination can be about an internal dysregulation that can produce anxiety. Dr.ssa Versari Debora
Hi, it could be many things: the consequence of anxiety and perfectionism, or a way to deal with too strong emotions that are not always conscious, for example. Plus, procrastination could make you feel even more anxious and guilty and that can lead you to a vicious circle. Anyway, any person has their own story and you could explore yours.
I'm here to help you, if you want to.
Dott.ssa Simona Di Napoli

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