i would like know the price for take it of old corona dentale ceramic/metal for one total ceramic o
i would like know the price for take it of old corona dentale ceramic/metal for one total ceramic o biocompatible senza metal, bisphenol o plastics
Buongiorno corona metalli-free disilicato di litio esteticamente il top € 580.
Per qualsiasi informazione contatti il numero di cellulare che trova sul sito.
Per qualsiasi informazione contatti il numero di cellulare che trova sul sito.
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I can make a crown in zircon- ceramic,metal-free, for € 600.
Any dentist is able to do a safe removal of Amalgam and here would open a long academic disquisition on which "fly"! Talking about costs in Conservative is absurd, without a visit! For example, the Conservative obturation should not "go" undergrowth "and if this were the case, the clinical crown should be lengthened with periodontal peprosthetic surgery with a very simple Gingival Periodontal Surgery (in the presence of an adequate adherent gingiva band) or mucogingival. (in the absence of this gingiva or if the clinical crown (the part that emerges from the gingiva) had been so deep as to involve the bone crest, overcome it, perhaps, also!) We must also evaluate the periodontium and its Gnathological situation, in particular presence or not of pre-contact in the three incisive disclusions, canine and Centric Relationship!) This if you want to solve, of course with "Mastery Dentistry and Quality" (which is not for everyone) and with security and professionalism.It is clear why you can not do a preventive without evaluating his mouth clinically and semiologically, too, I add with measurement of any periodontal pockets or pr without gingival recessions and much more! Odontoiaria is a very serious specialty. We do not sell Peanuts to the market but Medical-Surgical Professionalism. Best wishes. Dr. Gustavo Petti Periodontist Gnathologist Complete Oral Rehabilitation in Complex Clinical Cases of Cagliari, Italy
A total free metal crown costs 850€ to me.
Hi, if there are no periodontal problems or of another, the zirconium-ceramic crown costs 500 euros.
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