I have severe anxiety and insomnia, so I went to a psychiatrist and took medication (Delorazepam) fo

2 risposte
I have severe anxiety and insomnia, so I went to a psychiatrist and took medication (Delorazepam) for about two weeks! Now it's so easy to fall asleep! But I wake up early easily around 4 and 5 o'clock and have almost no energy during the day! My appetite has not improved either! I am worried that I have depression, but my psychiatrist says no! What should I do?
Anxiety, depression and sleep often go together but are not always together and can't be treated in the same way. It is important to talk with your psychiatrist about how do you feel and you will help him/her to find the best therapy for you. Trust him/her. It's the only way to be really involved in your own healing process.
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Mostra risultati Come funziona?
Delorazepam is a long half-life benzodiazepine which may reduce insomnia just for a short period, but it might not improve anxiety, mood swings or appetite. Nowadays, there are many drugs with few side effects that can help in these situations. I recommend you to talk to your psychiatrist openly in order to identify a more suitable pharmacological strategy.
King regards

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