I feel like I don't want to go to class more and more recently, and I always feel restless in the cl

19 risposte
I feel like I don't want to go to class more and more recently, and I always feel restless in the classroom. I couldn't sleep at night. I was always irritable while lying in bed, clenching my fists and shaking them in the air. I didn’t know why I was irritable, and I began to worry about my own health and that of my family;
I tried online consultation, but the effect was not very obvious! I'm a little scared! Feeling more and more anxious。
Thank you for your question and for sharing your symptoms with me.
I understand that what you are experiencing is causing you discomfort and concern.
It is important to investigate the causes of your symptoms to find the most effective solution.
Your concerns are quite common and, with the right support, they are certainly solvable.
I recommend that you book an appointment to discuss the situation in more detail and find the most suitable therapeutic path for you together.
I am available for an appointment on my agenda here on miodottore.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment.
Dr. Roberto Marchetti
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Hello patient, thank you for sharing your concerns.
I think it would be helpful to investigate your symptoms and the times when they occur most. This, combined with some useful exercises to better manage the anxiety you're talking about, could help you feel better. I definitely recommend starting a psychological journey until you have found some useful resources.
Best regards, Dr. Annalisa Covri
Kind user,
perhaps online therapy is not the most suitable for your case because, when the body is also involved, you also need to bring your body into the therapy room. I would suggest trying to find a therapist in your vicinity: he or she can help you discover the cause of your anxiety and manage your symptoms so that your perceived level of well-being does not drop too low.
I wish you all the best,
Dr Giorgia Maimone
Good morning, I would recommend that you go to a therapist who speaks English well and can help you even at a distance. As for in-person therapy, you would need to understand the city you are studying in here to see if there are therapists for that. If you go to the website of the order of psychotherapists, you can find out who is offered for English language. Kind regards.
Dr. Marina Bonadeni
Dear user, I feel your sorrow and concern. I think that a face to face therapy could make you feel more welcome. It’s not easy to open up and share our pain with a stranger, nor it is to ask for help. I’d suggest you to look for a psychologist who makes you feel at ease and who you feel could help you to take away your pain. The situation you describe must be extremely heavy: you don’t have to carry that weight alone, you deserve the help that suits you.
Wish you the best.
Kind regards, Dott.ssa Chiara Soligo
Prenota subito una visita online: Primo colloquio psicologico - 60 €
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Good morning,
she must begin a course of psychotherapy, which will help her over time to better understand the reasons for her discomfort.
Best regards
Dr. Diego Ferrara
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. What are you describing can be quite distressing and can make it difficult to engage in daily activities, such as attending class.
It's important to know that you're not alone in feeling this way.
Online consultation can be a good starting point, but it's important to find a therapist who is a good fit for you and your needs.
Dear user, I imagine that this period might be tough and not knowing the causes of it makes your anxiety level increase. I would recommend you talking to a specialist, who can offer you help to better understand what you are going through and find a way to make you feel better. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Dott.ssa Daisy Trotta
It sounds like you may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety. It's important to seek help and talk to a professional about what you're going through. Consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor who can provide you with support and coping strategies. In the meantime, try practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or exercise to help manage your anxiety. Remember, it's okay to ask for help and you don't have to go through this alone. Take care of yourself and prioritize your mental health.
dott. Cordoba
Dear user, thank you for sharing with us.
When you experience moments like these, feeling anxious is completely understandable.
While you were in class did something happen? How long have you been feeling this way?
I suggest you try to explore your thoughts when you go to bed.
Focus on yourself and analyze how you feel.
When you realize you are in an irritable mood, reflect on a few points:
Just before the event, did anything occur?
What do you think about when you are lying down?
Breathing techniques are often very helpful, try to take deep breaths to calm yourself when you feel nervous.
It would be good for you to explore the causes of these moods. If you feel up to it, starting a path of psychological support could help you understand yourself and regain your serenity.
Best regards.
Dear, it sounds like you're experiencing a lot of anxiety and restlessness lately, which is affecting your sleep and overall well-being. It's important to prioritize your mental health and seek professional help. Consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor who can provide you with appropriate support and guidance in managing your anxiety. Remember, you don't have to face this alone, and there are resources available to help you through this difficult time. Take care of yourself and reach out for support. I'm here for any further questions or clarifications. Dr. Francesca Gottofredi.
Dear user, I feel your sorrow and concern. I think that a face to face therapy could make you feel more welcome. It’s not easy to open up and share our pain with a stranger, nor it is to ask for help. I’d suggest you to look for a psychologist who makes you feel at ease and who you feel could help you to take away your pain. The situation you describe must be extremely heavy: you don’t have to carry that weight alone, you deserve the help that suits you.
Hello there,
i'm so sorry about your worries and feelings.
Did you try a face to face therapy or it was just online? Was him an English speaker therapist? I suggest you to try a CBT (cognitive-behavioural therapy) treatment: it is an evidence-based therapy which works very well with anxiety disorders. Your symptoms could suitably fit with one of these cases.
Let me know if you need more help. Good luck! Dott.ssa Giulia Pelini
Dear user, It sounds like you're going through a tough time, and it's important to address these feelings of anxiety and restlessness with CBT as already suggested. Please, let me know if you need support, also in English. Regards, D.ssa Eleonora Rossini
Dear user, thank you for sharing with me your symptoms. I can understand your concerns, but I thnk that first of all you should speak to a therapist to understand which is the core of your feelings. Speaking to a specialist will allow you to focus on the problem and on its origin: this will help you to face the situation. If you need any help, I'm at your disposal, also in English.
Dott.sa Elena Bonini
Dear user, thank you for sharing your request with us. You probably need face-to-face therapy, to ensure that a therapeutic alliance is established. In this way you will be able to fully understand the causes of your anxiety and irritability. With psychotherapy you can act without these symptoms affecting your well-being, your relationships and your quality of life.
I wish you all the best.
Dott.ssa Baldelli Marta
Good morning, thank you for sharing your request.
You probably need therapy, to ensure that a therapeutic alliance. In this way you will be able to understand the causes of your anxiety. I wish you all the best. Doc Debora Versari.
Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. IT would be so much helpful to investigate your symptoms when they are at peak (both when you are IN school and when you go to bed) but also how they manifest to you.
Analyzed that, we will find the best exercises for you to better manage the anxiety you're talking about, that could help you feel better.
In conclusion, by starting a psychological journey you could perceive some useful resources to control anxiety better and help your self perception and consciousness. Moreover the importance of a routed understanding of the nature of your feelings.

Best regards, Dr. Claudia Valeria Ninci
Prenota subito una visita online: Colloquio psicologico - 70 €
Per prenotare una visita tramite MioDottore, clicca sul pulsante Prenota una visita.
it seems you are living a very stressing period, maybe something is changing inside you… and that is making you feel anxious and vulnerable, and perhaps overwhelmed, as well.
It’s not easy to cope with these feelings alone, and I agree with you to seek support from a therapist in person. I’m sure you already know all the strategies to feel a bit more relaxed but nothing has worked so far. You could need to find out the real origin of this anxiety. Anyway, I’m here if you need my support.
Dott.ssa Simona Di Napoli

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